Three Practices to Help You Become the Best in the World
How shifting Alpine’s mindset in three areas allowed us to achieve results beyond anything we imagined. (Excerpted from my speech at Alpine Investors’ 2022 Growth Summit)
What Many Leaders are Missing in The “War for Talent,” “Great Resignation” and “Work from Home” Debates
I frequently hear CEOs complain about the “War for Talent”, the “Great Resignation”, and “Work From Home”. There’s a simple framework to help think through these debates.
When My Oldest Child Left for College, I Had to Learn to Let Go.
Some of the most counterintuitive parenting advice is also some of the most valuable.
Why Most Company Offsites Fail (And How to Make Them Amazing)
In Alpine’s 21 years, we have had over 200 firm, departmental or CEO offsites. Here are the “do’s and don’ts” I’ve learned along the way.
What I Learned on a Week-Long Meditation Retreat
Do you live in the present? Or is your brain constantly jumping between the past and the future? Mine was. Until I spent a week in a meditation retreat with a spiritual leader who taught me the power of being present. Back at home and work I’ve tried to stop overthinking and to let go.
Should I Buy A House in Today’s Market?
Recently I’ve been asked questions like: Should I buy a house in today’s market? Is another housing price crash imminent? How can I tell if the house I want to buy is a good investment? So I decided to dig in to try to learn more about the current state of the real estate market.
What Most People Get Wrong About Time Management
We spend our days multitasking, switching tasks, and using valuable energy on invaluable things. What if you could better manage your time to focus on the big, important priorities of your life?
How much of success is determined by luck?
What are your odds of being alive at this exact time in history? How much of success is determined by luck?
Why Your Identity Shapes Your Life (and what to do about it)
When we repeat stories in our subconscious minds, those can become the narratives of our identities. What we often don’t realize is that they are just stories.
The Single Best Strategic Question For Almost Every Company
We asked ourselves one strategic question which would ultimately change the trajectory of Alpine as well as many of our future portfolio companies.
What We Can Learn From Warren Buffett About Investing And Operating In Inflationary Times
From network effects and intellectual property to brand building and stickiness, there are many ways to allow your company to be more resilient in today’s climate.
The Best (and Worst) Parenting Advice I Ever Received
How one speech became the catalyst that changed the way I parented and how I thought about my relationship with my kids.
Magic Numbers in Leadership: The Power of Leading Versus Lagging Indicators
Learn how great managers use leading indicators to guide their teams to greatness.
I turned 50 today. Here is the most important thing I learned in my first half century.
Time, like the avalanche, stops for no one. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Why Focus is a Superpower (And what is keeping you from harnessing it)
Focus is a superpower. Harnessing our energy on a single goal for a long period of time is THE simplest, most consistent formula for greatness. So why do people have such a hard time with it?
Why You Are Likely Bad At Firing People (And why it matters)
We’re supposed to fire people who steal, lie, make the workplace unsafe, don’t show up to work, aren’t capable of doing their jobs, or commit any one of a number of bad acts. But what isn’t obvious about who we should fire in our organizations?
A Simple Buddhist Framework for Dealing with Frustrating People & Situations
Learning about this Buddhist framework brought me tremendous peace and has allowed me to focus my emotional energy in more productive places.
Crypto, NFTs and Tulip Bulbs: 2021 from a Historical Perspective
A recap of 2021 and four tips for navigating the current environment.
Habit Hack #5: My Two Best Weight Loss Hacks
Habit Hack #5 to help you create and stick with new habits in 2022.
Habit Hack #4: Create Accountability
Habit Hack #4 to help you create and stick with new habits in 2022.